weekly scenes


It's been a great two weekends. The beginnings of spring have made me very productive, yet propelled me into a lavish, life-enjoyment state all at the same time. I want nothing more than to be outside when the weather is this beautiful. I find excuses to take a long walk or sit and read in the park for hours. I got it in my mind to spoil my little yogi toes with a pedicure post an especially sweaty practice. The utter pleasure it gave me to do so justified what felt like a frivolous expenditure. At the same time, I've been going after projects that have been in the back of my mind for awhile. The feeling of working on something and making moves towards completion is so fulfilling. Overall, I'm satisfied to see my life in balance - propelling forward, steadily happy in the present, and focused in the correct areas.

1 comment :

  1. This is going to be the weirdest comment ever, but we have the same feet! Or, well, toes. Although I think my pinky toes turn in a little more than yours.
