weekly scenes


Spring is here, friends. There is no doubt about it. The weather is perfect. For some reason I feel surprised by how great it is. Like I thought that the winter was an incessant, never-ending thing. I had forgotten what sunshine was like past 5 o'clock, but I'm mighty grateful to have re-discovered the feeling. 

I am invigorated just being able to step out and enjoy myself. I make little excuses to NOT come inside. I walk with no purpose, and make everything into an outdoor activity.

My parents were in town and we made it back to my favorite hiking spot, Wissahickon. Marley and I haven't been since the fall. You can see just how happy she was from that shot of her jowls billowing in the wind. What, your jowls don't billow when you're content? Ahhh, I'm just messing with you guys - but - our return to Wissahickon made me very excited for the months to come. It solidified the inaugural initiation of spring. I can't wait to see what amazing memories get made this season. I feel like it's going to be a good one. ;)

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