Birthday Bouquet


How beautiful is this bouquet that my friend Ellen gave me for my birthday? She picked each flower herself, and then they tied it up with green wire and a piece of rosemary at the center. I've never seen an arrangement more simple and beautiful. I've been in love.

The perfection of this bouquet goes hand in hand with my birthday's entirety. I couldn't believe how many nice surprises everyone had for me. I'm truly lucky, probably too lucky.

Thank you everyone who made my birthday so amazing. I love each and every one of you!


  1. That's so lovely, they're beautiful. Just the other week I bought a friend of mine a small bouquet of flowers for her birthday and she loved them!

  2. That bouquet is beautiful! I love that she was able to pick out each flower herself, it makes it that much more special. Glad that you had such a lovely birthday, hope this year is filled with lots of love & adventures!

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