the home of gisèle d’ailly van waterschoot van der gracht


Once in a while, you stumble across the source of a tare that you’ve loved for months…maybe even years. That happened to me with this very shoot. When I came upon it, I was surprised to see that the studio tare I’ve been in love with, comes from the home and work place of a 100 year old woman. I immediately decided that she had to be the coolest 100 year old that there is. Given, she has had the chance to acquire all of this awesome stuff over many years of living, but wow, what good taste.

It got me to thinking what I’ll be at her age. I can only hope to be so badass, to be able to look back at such an interesting life. I like to think that my circles of amazingly creative, beautiful, talented friends will one day be legendary the way her friends have become. Those are the things we all want right now, in our 20’s, but they are also the things that we just have to wait for. We’re all so anxious. Myself, I want the awesome collection of art, the Pinterest-worthy house, the realized dreams…I want them all right now. But I have to wait. Maybe I have to wait until I’m 100. They are the kinds of things that you work for all life-long. I hope that when I’m 100, I can say I’ve made it, just like Gisèle d’Ailly van Waterschoot van der Gracht (wow, that’s a name). I hope I live in a place just as beautiful, that my smile is as bright, and that my creativity is still flowing just as strong.

Sadly, I read that Gisèle died shortly after this shoot in her home. May you rest in peace, Gisèle. Be assured that there are still young ones like myself who draw inspiration from your life & the world that you lived in.
