terrarium workshop with terrain


We have these awesome things at work called "Brown Bag Lunches." There is a different topic every week, and the idea is that, over lunch, you learn something new. When we got the newsletter that last week's would be terrarium workshop I b-lined for the signup. 

So, on Friday, Chelsi, Melissa, and I headed to the workshop with Terrain. They supplied us with drainage (gravel), air & water purification (charcoal), nutrient rich soil, plants, and fun decorating supplies. We each bought a vessel and got to work. 

My terrarium ended up as a succulent arrangement with purple flowers (not sure of the name), rocks, and moss. What I love about terrariums is that you can really just throw everything in, and there is little chance that it will look bad. There are only a few essential things you need to make the project a success.


How to make a successful terrarium:
1. Your vessel should always start with drainage (gravel, pieces of glass), purification (activated charcoal), and good potting soil. You only need a thin layer of charcoal, do not over-do it!
2. Do not combine succulents & ferns. Succulents like drier climates while ferns enjoy a moister atmosphere. They will not be happy living in the same environment.
3. Do not over water! Your plants only need a misting about twice a week. 
4. Stick to the rule of odd numbers, build a terrarium with 1, 3, 5...plants according to your vessel size. 
5. Do not place your terrarium in a place with direct light. They prefer a location with indirect sunshine.


Good luck with your terrarium building! I can't wait to put more together myself. 

1 comment :

  1. This is so cool, I love the whole idea of having these "Brown bag lunches".

